La vita è piena di esperienze formative per il carattere di una persona e qualcuna lo è talmente da rendere orgogliosi. Per la famiglia Kundmüller vincere in soli 10 anni più di 20 medaglie ai maggiori concorsi del settore - European Beer Star (EBS), World Beer Cup, International Beer Award - è stata senz’alto tra quelle esperienze.
Dal 2004 vengono mandate all’European Beer Star più di 2000 tipi di birra di 50 categorie diverse da più di 40 Paesi.
Una giuria composta da mastri birrai, sommelier e noti intenditori di birra le assaggiano in un test “cieco”, il che significa che gli esperti sanno di che tipo di birra si tratta, ma non ne conoscono la marca.
I criteri
Come criteri vengono presi in considerazione il colore, l’odore, la schiuma e naturalmente il sapore, caratteristiche che ogni consumatore di birra sa citare. Costui, infatti, ha il ruolo preminente nell’assegnazione del Premio speciale Consumers' Favourite che viene assegnato nell’ambito dell’ EBS, perché è unicamente il consumatore – in questo caso il visitatore delle fiere Beviale o Drinktec – a decidere quale, tra le 50 diverse categorie, sia la birra che preferisce, anch’egli senza conoscere la marca di quella che sta degustando. Questo criterio rende il premio il più onesto in assoluto. Il Birrificio Kundmüller ha vinto già due volte il bronzo per la Weiherer Keller e la Weiherer Rauch e risulta anche tra i maggiori vincitori del concorso nel suo insieme.
Tutte le onorificenze in breve
2024 World Beer Cup Gold, Weiherer Kräusen
2024 World Beer Cup Silver, Weiherer Rauch
2024 World Beer Cup Silver, Weiherer Weizenbock
2023 European Beer Star Silver, Weiherer Bock
2023 European Beer Star Bronze, Weiherer Rauch
2023 European Beer Star Bronze, Weiherer Landbier
2023 World Beer Award Bestes deutsches Pils and Gold, Weiherer Pils
2023 World Beer Award Bestes deutsches Session IPA and Gold, Weiherer / Fat Head's Grischbeerla
2023 World Beer Award Bestes deutsches Speciality IPA and Gold, Weiherer / Fat Head's Hopferla IPA
2023 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Grünhopfen-Pils
2023 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Rauch
2023 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Rolator
2023 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer / Fat Head's Imperial IPA
2023 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Landbier
2023 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Zapfenduster
2023 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Hopfenweizen
2023 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer OSw-Alt
2023 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Summer Ale
2023 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Weiherer Schwärzla
2022 World Beer Cup Silver, Weiherer Rauch
2022 European Beer Star Gold Traditional Pale Ale - Weiherer Summer Ale
2022 European Beer Star Bronze Strong Smoked Beer - Weiherer/Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2022 European Beer Star Future Award
2022 World Beer Award Gold and bestes deutsches Rauchbier für das Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2022 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Landbier
2022 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Keller
2022 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Hopfenweizen
2022 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Zwickerla Hell
2022 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Zwickerla Alkoholfrei
2022 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Osw-Alt
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Doppelbock holzfassgelagert Rum
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Bira Bassanese
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Bürschla
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Keller
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Rauch
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer/Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Bock Bourbon Style
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizenbock
2022 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Bock
2022 International Craft Beer Award Doppelbock of the year and Gold, Weiherer Rolator
2022 International Craft Beer Award Silber,Weiherer Urstöffla
2021 European Beer Star Silber, Weiherer Summer Ale
2021 International Craft Beer Award Gold Weiherer Rauch, Weiherer Rauchbock, Weiherer Bock
2021 World Beer Award Gold and "bester deutscher Bock", Weiherer Bock
2021 World Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Rauch
2021 World Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Zapfenduster holzfassgelagert
2021 World Beer Award Gold, Weiherer / Fat Heads Imperial IPA
2021 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Keller
2021 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Schwärzla
2021 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer / Fat Heads Hopferla
2021 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Doppelbock holzfassgelagert Rum
2021 World Beer Award Silver, Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2021 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Zwickerla hell
2021 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Bio-Zwickerla dunkel
2021 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Zapfenduster
2021 World Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Bock Bourbon Style
2021 World Ber Award Bronze, Weiherer Zwickerla hell
2021 International Craft Beer Award 2021 Gold and best german Kellerbier of the year, Weiherer Bio-Zwickerla dunkel
2021 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Lager
2021 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Bock
2021 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizen hell
2021 International Craft Beer Award Session Ale of the Year 2021, Summer Ale
2021 International Craft Beer Award Gold and Imperial IPA of the year, Weiherer / Fat Head's Imperial IPA
2021 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer / Fat Head's Hopferla
2021 International Craft Beeraward Silver, Hopfenweizen
2021 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Pils
2021 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Grünhopfen-Pils
2021 International Craft Beer Award Bronze, Weiherer Zwickerla hell
2020 International Craft Beer Award Gold Brewer of th Year
2020 International Craft Beer Award Platin, Weiherer Lager
2020 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Keller
2020 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Zwickel Hell
2020 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizen Hell
2020 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Bio-Sondersud OSw-Alt
2020 International Craft Beer Award Platin: Weiherer Lager and Co-Brew Weiherer / Fat Heads Imperial IPA
2020 International Craft Beer Award Gold: Weiherer Keller, Weiherer Weizen Hell, Bio-Sondersud OSw-Alt, Co-Brew Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Zapfenduster, Weiherer Bürschla, Weiherer / Bira Bassanese
International Craft Beer Award Silber, Weiherer Zwickel Hell, Co-Brew Weiherer / Fat Heads Hopferla
European Beer Star Bronze für den Co-Brew Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2019 European Beer Star Bronze, Weiherer Summer Ale
2019 European Beer Star Bronze, Weiherer IPA
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold Platin, Weiherer Bock
2019 International Craft Beer Award Platin, Collaboration brew Weiherer/Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Rauch
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizenbock holzfassgelagert Sherry
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Bock Bourbon Style
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Urstöffla
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Schwärzla
2019 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer/Fat Head’s Hopferla
2019 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer India Pale Ale
2019 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Kooperationsprojekt Bürschla Kellerbier
2019 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Weizenbock
2018 Best German Private Brewery at the European Beer Star
2018 European Beer Star Gold, Weiherer Landbier
2018 European Beer Star Gold, Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Smoked Bock beer
2018 European Beer Star in Silver, Weiherer Urstöffla
2018 International Craft Beer Award Gold and special price "Best Pils 2018", Weiherer Pils
2018 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Rauch
2018 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Bock
2018 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizenbock
2018 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizenbock wooden aged Dornfelder
2018 International Craft Beer Award Gold, Weiherer Weizenbock wooden aged Rum
2018 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Zwickerla Hell
2018 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Weizen Hell
2018 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Bio-Zwickerla Dunkel
2018 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Urstöffla
2018 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer Schwärzla
2018 International Craft Beer Award Silver, Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock
2017 European Beer Star Gold Weiherer Rauch
2017 European Beer Star Silver Weiherer Weizen Hell
2017 World Beer Awards Landessieger Smoked Beer, Imperial IPA, Stout
2017 World Beer Awards Silber Weiherer Keller-Pils, Weiherer Weizen Hell
2017 World Beer Awards Bronze Weiherer Urstöffla, Weiherer Pils, Weiherer Lager
2017 World Beer Awards Design Award Silver Weiherer / Fat Heads Imperial IPA
2017 International Craft Beer Award Gold Weiherer Bock Bourbon Style
2017 International Craft Beer Award Silver Weiherer Weizenbock, Weiherer Rauch, Weiherer Pils, Weiherer Keller, Weiherer / Fat Heads Imperial IPA
2017 Australian International Beer Awards Silver Weiherer Rauch, Weiherer Weizenbock, Weiherer / Fat Heads Imperial IPA
2017 Australian International Beer Awards Bronze Weiherer Bock
2016 Gold Medal for Weiherer Märzen and Bock Bourbon Style at the International Craft Beer Awards
2016 Silver Medal for Weiherer Urstöffla and Weizenbock at the International Craft Beer Awards
2015 Gold Medal for Weiherer Märzen, Rauch and Urstöffla at the International Craft Beer Awards
2015 Monde Selection Gold for Weiherer / Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbock, Weizenbock, Lager and Rauch
2015 Monde Selection Silver for Weiherer Pils and Weiherer Weisse
2015 Bronze Medal for Weiherer Weizenbock at the European Beer Star
2014 Bronze Medal for Weiherer Rauch at the European Beer Star
2014 Selection tasting : Gold Medals for the Weiherer Keller, Weiherer Weisse and Weiherer Urstöffla
2014 Silver Medal at the World Beer Cup for the Weiherer Rauch
2013 2nd place in the Leading Brewery Award at the “Leading Beers” festival.
2012 "Solarbier®” brewery accreditation for being a solar-powered brewery
2012 Consumers’ Favorite BRONZE Award for the Weiherer Rauch
2012 selection tasting: Silver Medal for the Weiherer Bock
2012 European Beer Star GOLD Award for the Weiherer Rauch
2011 Consumers’ Favorite BRONZE Award for the Weiherer Keller
2011 European Beer Star BRONZE Award for the Weiherer Bock
2011 European Beer Star GOLD Award for the Weiherer Keller
2010 European Beer Star BRONZE Award for the Weiherer Rauch
2010 European Beer Star BRONZE Award for the Weiherer Keller
2009 European Beer Star BRONZE Award for the Weiherer Keller
2009 European Beer Star SILVER Award for the Weiherer Bock
2007 European Beer Star SILVER Award for the Weiherer Bock
2007 “Bierkeller” (beer garden) of the Year Award (
2006 European Beer Star SILVER Award for the “Weiherer Rauch”
2005 “Bierkeller” (beer garden) of the Year Award (